The item is a published copy of the play (Berlin: Theater-Commissions-Geschäft von H. Michaelson, 1860; "Den Bühnen gegenüber als Manuscript gedruckt"), with minor annotations related to its possible use as a prompt-book. It apparently belonged to the theater lending library of Theodor Bloch, in Philadelphia. The title is listed in Bloch's catalog for his library, dated 1886 (see box 34). On the title page, music is attributed to A. Conradi ("königl. Musik-Director"), and a note is included about the play's contemporary success in Berlin: "Am Wallner-Theater bereits vierzig Mal bei stets vollen Häusern gegeben." Following the list of characters is a long note from the author about the staging of the play. (The collection's holdings of theater newspapers and playbills contain no reference to this play.)